Description du Projet

Axle adapters for small 1/76 scale (OO) model trains - very small.

Commande usinée et livrée par Crj Contracts pour €183.544

Réception et validation par William Pinfold le 15/01/2022


I need to fit model train wheels with 2mm dia axle hole to motor chassis that takes 1.03mm dia axle stub. Chassis comes with the wrong size wheels (8mm discs) which I need to change for better ones (10.5mm spoked) to achieve a historically accurate model.

UK standard is for wheels to have axle holes but these tiny Japanese motors expect wheels to have stub axles, not holes. So I need very small adapters with diameter a fraction over 1mm on one side and 2mm on the other.

Ideally turned in brass (open to other metals if advised) as have tried 3D printed plastic which kind of works but is weak so the 1mm side tends to snap easily. The plastic stub also tends to shave when pushed into the wheel central hole which causes the wheels to slightly wobble in operation. Am thinking brass would be stronger and would be more likely to give vibration-free rotation of the wheels when running. Diagram attached and pictures of the plastic version.

So the requirement is for adapters with three short sections along a common axis, 1.03mm diam x 2mm long / 2.4mm diam x 1mm long / 2mm diam x 2mm long. Total length is therefore 5mm.

Small batch only is needed at this stage - circa 32 pieces. Delivery in UK (Bedfordshire).

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Crj Contracts

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