Description du Projet

Brake caliper bracket for motorcycle

Commande usinée et livrée par g-and-d pour €174.684

Réception et validation par downerhouse le 07/06/2021


Part has been 3d printed during initial prototyping phase, and now requires machined alloy part to further develop the part before moving to higher quantity production.

Therefore, a quote is required for a single one off part to be made, using an approrpiate grade of aluminium suitable for a brake caliper bracket. I am not metals expert but have been informed that 6082 T6 would be a good choice for this use case.

Step & STL files attached, exported from Fusion 360. Additional file types can be provided if required.

Offres (3)

Prix Moyen : €208


9 Usinages


usinage de pièce



61 Usinages


Prix Masqué

abc custom

41 Usinages


Prix Masqué