Description du Projet

Single Piece Watch Bezel


The four images are different views of the same item. Only 1 watch bezel is to be produced. It's quite small. Smallest bit needed will be 1.5mm in diameter.
Surface needs to have a good finish.

Please observe 3D file for all details. Can be reuploaded in any format. Original SolidWorks file also provided.

Tolerance < 0.1mm

Ajouté le 14/12/2019 09:35

This item is far simpler than my other listing on the bottomside. Please do not get them mixed up. Thank you

Ajouté le 14/12/2019 09:40

Could you provide a price for both SS316 and SS316 in your offer. Thank you

Offre (1)


61 Usinages


Prix Masqué