Description du Projet

Two lifting jigs - one left hand, the other right hand

  • Posté: 8-août,2021
  • Visibilité: Public
  • Temps Restant: 0 j
  • Posté par:Shyman A
  • Offres reçues: 0 Offre
  • Fichiers joints: 94034Jig.pdf


Each jig needs a relatively simple shape cut out from 3mm steel plate and then welded on to the end of a steel 20mm square tube (to be provided).
An example will be provided (see attached) and all that is nneded is that the distance from the centre of the large hollow to the square tube be increases by 10 mm and the tube to be 20 mm longer.

Ajouté le 08/09/2021 12:14

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