Description du Projet

intake flange for car

  • Posté: 11-août,2019
  • Visibilité: Public
  • Temps Restant: 0 j
  • Posté par:Cammy A
  • Offres reçues: 3 Offres
  • Fichiers joints: 43108cncflange.png


I am looking for someone to machine this flange for me.

The I.D hole is 57mm, the o.d is 67mm but has tabs that come out for mounting, with an 11mm i.d bolt hole.

Milling will be needed 4mm inside (from the mounting face) with a depth of 2mm , and 5mm wide - this is for a rubber seal to fit into.

The thickness of the flange is 15mm

Total number of these required is 2 - However there is the possibility in the future for these to be made in a larger quantity.

Preference of material is alloy, as will be used to weld together with intercooler piping

CAD file/STL file available

Offres (3)

Prix Moyen : €155

ODC Engineering

24 Usinages


Prix Masqué


61 Usinages


Prix Masqué


0 Usinages


Prix Masqué